Please note: This app is to be used only in partnership with the iCOquit® Smokerlyzer device, which can be purchased from Bedfont® Scientific Ltd. The app will not work without it.
The iCOquit® Mums to be App is an aid to help expectant mothers stop smoking.
The app works in conjunction with the iCOquit® personal stop-smoking device to provide visual motivation to help you quit, as well as track your quitting progress in real-time. By simply blowing into the iCOquit® device, it will measure the carbon monoxide (CO) on your breath and display the readings within the app.
By monitoring your CO levels through the app, you can accurately track and manage your smoking so that you can set and achieve attainable goals throughout your quitting process. You’ll use it very much like you would use a set of scales if you were trying to lose weight. The less you smoke, the lower your reading, the healthier you get!
*Share your results*
Share your achievements effortlessly by emailing your daily results to your midwife, friends or family, creating a support network to keep you motivated along the way.
*Track your progress*
Visualise your progress through our user-friendly graph, as you work towards achieving and sustaining a green CO level, reflecting your success in quitting smoking.
For over 35 years, carbon monoxide (CO) breath monitoring has proven to be a powerful motivational tool for smokers looking to quit. Now with our iCOquit® personal stop-smoking device, you can conveniently track CO levels on your smartphone anywhere, anytime, helping you to quit smoking. (Please note that the iCOquit® device is to be purchased separately from Bedfont® Scientific Ltd.)
For an introduction in how to use the iCOquit® App, watch our video here -